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Staff Profile: Mandy

Vital Stats

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Name: Mandy
Age: 21
Location: USA
Language(s): English
Fanlistings Owned: Batman Begins, Villains (Batman), CATS, 03.16 - Doppelgangland (BtVS), Edward Cullen & Bella Swan (Twilight), Grey Cats, Villains (Harry Potter), Katie Cassidy, Numbers, Spider-Man series, Wednesdays

Staff Duties

Staffer Since: December 25th 2010
Position: Senior Staffer
Current Categories: Actors (a)
Past Categories: Actors (a/f/u/c/t), Actresses (a), Calendar Events (a/f/u/c/t), History/Royalty (a/f/u/c/t)
Other Duties: E-mail Changes, Network Complaints, Network Inquiries


Actors: Heath Ledger and Johnny Depp.
Actresses: Katie Cassidy and Alicia Silverstone.
Books: Fairytales, Harry Potter series and the Twilight saga.
Movies: Batman Begins, the Harry Potter movies, the Spider-Man movies, LotR, PotC, POTO and Star Wars.
TV Shows: The original 90210, Angel, BtvS and X-Files.

Profile last updated February 18th, 2011.

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