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Change TFL E-mail: Broken/Inactive E-mail

If your current TFL email address is broken or inactive and you wish to change it, please use the form below to submit a request. Please note that all fanlistings listed under this email address will be affected by this change. If you own fanlistings under multiple email addresses and wish to merge them all to one address, please send in separate forms for each email address.

Before our staff can change your email address, we require proof that you are the owner of the email account and the fanlistings listed under it. This is a security measure to ensure that no one but you can change the ownership details on your fanlistings.

You must edit one of your currently listed fanlistings to include a note stating that you have requested an email change. A simple 'TFL email change requested' in your updates area will suffice. We must see evidence on your fanlisting that you have requested a change and you must provide a link in the URL field on this form, or your request will not be processed.

If you cannot access your email and you also cannot access your domain to perform the requested edit, please send your request to the Senior Staff (Mandy).

Due to problems with AOL, Hotmail and Yahoo users not receiving our emails, we are currently not allowing owners to change their email address to a AOL, Hotmail, Live, MSN, Outlook or Yahoo address. Please do not enter a AOL, Hotmail, Live, MSN, Outlook or Yahoo address in the new email address field.

Old E-mail
New E-mail:
This is your HTML proof of fanlisting ownership:

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TFL relies on donations and advertising to keep running. There are several ways you can help! Make a donation and get access to the TFL donators package or visit our advertisers. We also have a banner rotation for fanlistings and fansites. Every bit helps! More information can be found on the Support page.

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